

class kiss.views.core.JsonResponse(inp, **argw)

Json response. Pass any object you want, JsonResponse converts it to json.

class kiss.views.core.RedirectResponse(response=None, status=None, headers=None, mimetype=None, content_type=None, direct_passthrough=False)

Response for redirect. Pass path and server will do 302 request.

class kiss.views.core.Request(options, **argw)

Base request object inhereted from werkzeug Request. Added session object.

class kiss.views.core.Response(text, **argw)

Base response object inhereted from werkzeug Response. Text/html mimetype is default.


class kiss.views.templates.TemplateResponse(path, context={}, **argw)

Template response via Jinja2. Pass template path and context.

Static files

class kiss.views.static.StaticBuilder(path)

Uses StaticCompiler to minify and compile js and css.

class kiss.views.static.StaticCompiler(path)

Static files minifier.